Gold 1
-Photoshot before the wedding-wishes book
– Photographing bride preparation
– Photographing groom preparation
-Photographing-video recording in the church & 3 hours at the reception
-2th photographer throughout mystery and artistic photography
-High-definition video recording
-Photography following the next day
-250 photos selected by the couple, on 2 digital albums 35×70 40 pages each
-3 digital albums 20×40 for the best man and parents with 60 photos of each one’s choice
-1 album with 50 photos of your choice from the next day in a 20×60 dimension
-1 40×60 magnification on photo paper or canvas
-50 prints 13 × 18
-Samples of photos in dvd
4 dvd with music and montaz (music of your choice) + 1 dvd blue-ray or usb
-Creation of a short movie with the best snapshots
-DVD delivery with the file of photos in high analysis
Gold 2
-Photoshot before the wedding-wishes book
-Photographing – video recording bride preparation
-Photographing – video recording groom preparation
-Photographing-video recording in the church & 3 hours at the reception
-High-definition video recording
-2th photographer throughout mystery and artistic photography
-2th cameraman throughout mystery and artistic photography
-Photography-video recording of the next day
-250 photos selected by the couple, on 2 digital albums 35×70 40 pages each
-3 digital albums 20×30 for the best man and parents with 60 photos of each one’s choice
-1 album with 50 photos of your choice from the next day in a 20×60 dimension
-1 40×60 magnification on photo paper or canvas
-100 prints 13 × 18
-Samples of photos in dvd
-4 dvd with music and montaz (music of your choice) + 1 dvd blue-ray or usb
-Creation of a short movie with the best snapshots
-DVD delivery with the file of photos in high analysis
Gold 3
-Photoshot before the wedding-wishes book
-Photographing – video recording bride preparation
-Photographing groom preparation
-Photographing-video recording in the church & 3 hours at the reception
-2th photographer throughout mystery and artistic photography+2hours in reception
-2th cameraman throughout mystery and artistic photography+2hours in reception (the second camera could be aerial)
-Photography-video recording following the next day (with 2 photographers, the camera could be aerial)
-250 photos selected by the couple, on 2 digital albums 35×70 50 pages each
-3 digital albums 20×60 for the best man and parents with 80 photos of each one’s choice
-1 album with 50 photos of your choice from the next day in a 20×60 dimension
-1 40×60 magnification on photo paper or canvas
-100 prints 13×18
-Samples of photos in dvd
-4 dvd with music and montaz (music of your choice) + 1 dvd blue-ray or usb
-Creation of a short movie with the best snapshots
-DVD delivery with the file of photos in high analysis